Value betting and sure betting (sports arbitrage betting) are both great ways to earn money on sports betting. When subscribing to RebelBetting you will get access to both investment methods. Check out the video below to learn how value betting compares to sports arbitrage.

Turn Betting Into Strategic Investments

In broad terms value betting and arbitrage betting, are some useful betting strategies for the successful sports bettor who is looking to turn sports betting into strategic investments. These strategies circle around steady profits by outsmarting the bookmakers at their own game, even though these are two proven strategies for gaining an edge, they operate in completely different ways. Let’s talk about some key differences!

What is value betting?

Value betting is the easiest way to make money on sports. You only need a small number of bookmaker accounts and you don’t need a big bankroll when starting out. Value betting is perfect for you who can handle risk and variance and want an easy way to make money. Read more about value betting.

  • The easiest way to make money on sports, with high profits over time.

  • You bet on a single odds on one outcome of the match.

  • Value betting is not risk-free. You must be prepared for downswings and sometimes you will lose several bets in a row. But since the bets have a positive expected value, you will always make a long-term profit.

  • Requires only one bookmaker account, but 3-4 is recommended when starting out.

  • Minimum initial investment when starting is around 500 EUR.

A value betting's customer profit

What is arbitrage betting?

Sure betting (sports arbitrage betting) gives you a steady and substantial profit every month with almost no risk if you place the bets correctly. It requires some time to learn the basics and takes a little more effort compared to value betting. Read more about sure betting.

  • An investment method where you get a steady and substantial profit every month.

  • You cover all the outcomes of a match, by placing two or three bets on the same match but with different bookmakers. This means you win every time no matter the result of the match.

  • There is very little or no risk involved.

  • Requires a minimum of 6-8 bookmaker accounts when starting out.

  • Minimum initial investment when starting is around 1,000 EUR

One of our sure betting customers' profit graph

Video: Sure betting explained

Sure betting, also known as sports arbitrage betting, means covering all outcomes in a match across different bookmakers. Check out the video below for the ultimate video guide to learn sure betting.

Differences Between Value Betting and Arbitrage Betting

While both value betting and arbitrage betting are popular strategies in the sports betting world, they differ significantly in approach and execution. Value betting involves identifying bets where the odds offered by the bookmaker are higher than the true probability of the outcome, aiming for long-term profit through statistically favourable bets. On the other hand, arbitrage betting guarantees a profit by placing multiple bets on all possible outcomes of an event across different bookmakers to exploit price discrepancies.

arbitrage betting vs value betting

Value bettors rely on their ability to spot undervalued odds, while arbitrage bettors focus on securing risk-free gains from arbitrage opportunities. Understanding these key differences can help you decide which strategy aligns best with your betting style and goals, and how to combine them.

How much money can you make?

Now to the big question: How much money can I make with the respective method?

This is a somewhat tricky question to answer, as the profit you will make stand in direct proportion to the size of your invested capital, how much time you spend, and how many bets you place. You can see real customer results in our community. RebelBettors frequently post about their results.

To get a hunch on how much you can earn, check out our interactive calculators; the value betting profit calculator, and the sure betting profit calculator to get an estimate on how much money you can make by using value betting or sure betting.

In the below video sports bettor Mikael shows his impressive profit results when he uses RebelBetting to make money on sports.

You don’t have to choose

You do not have to choose an investment method now. When you sign up for RebelBetting you will get access to both value betting and sure betting.  Go ahead and subscribe and see which method suits you best.

Did you know you can also mix both investment methods? Read this article about how to best combine both sure betting and value betting to learn more.

Now that we have covered all the basics surrounding value betting and arbitrage betting, let’s dive deeper and gain even more knowledge, how does one find these opportunities? How to overcome common challenges? What sportsbooks are recommended? We will explain it all!

How to Find Value Betting Opportunities

Identifying value betting opportunities is essential for any serious bettor looking to maximize long-term profits. To find value bets, you start by analyzing odds from several bookmakers and then you compare them to your own assessment of the true probability of an outcome occurring. Value bettors look for discrepancies where the bookmaker’s odds underestimate the actual chances, creating a potential profit margin.

Find the best value betting opportunity

This process often involves monitoring different sports and markets, from a Champions League football match to a tennis match, to spot where odds are most favourable.

Experienced bettors use betting methods like comparing the bookmaker’s odds to betting exchanges or utilizing statistical models to highlight value bets. It’s also crucial to stay updated with market movements and adjust stake sizes accordingly to optimize potential profit while managing risks. Placing bets consistently on these undervalued odds is key to generating a positive return over time.

How to Identify Arbitrage Betting Opportunities

Find the best arbitrage opportunities

Identifying arbitrage betting opportunities is a strategic way to secure guaranteed profit in sports betting. To find an arbitrage bet, start by comparing the odds offered by different bookmakers on the same event. Look for discrepancies where the combined odds allow for multiple bets to cover all possible outcomes, ensuring a risk-free profit regardless of the event’s outcome. This betting strategy, known as sure betting or arbing, requires monitoring various markets and quickly placing bets to capitalize on fleeting opportunities.

Experienced bettors often use multiple bank accounts and manage stake sizes carefully to avoid bookmaker limits and maintain long-term profit. While arbitrage betting is completely risk-free in theory, practical challenges like changing odds and account restrictions necessitate vigilance to avoid losing money.

The Perks of Utilizing a Sports Betting Platform

Does it seem time-consuming and complex to find these arbitrage and value betting opportunities? Well, it is, at least if you do it manually. Sports betting requires constant vigilance and a deep understanding of the betting industry to identify the best odds offered by different bookmakers. Experienced bettors who excel in both arbing and finding value bets know that manually tracking these opportunities across different markets can be daunting. But it doesn’t have to be, this is where a sports betting platform like RebelBetting comes in handy.

This are some of the many benefits of utilizing RebelBetting when arbing or value betting:

  • The platform streamlines the process by automatically scanning for arbitrage opportunities and value bets, helping bettors avoid the pitfalls of manual betting.
  • RebelBetting provides alerts for sure betting situations and identifies value bets based on true probability, ensuring that you don’t accidentally place unprofitable bets.

  • With the ability to monitor multiple bookmakers simultaneously, these tools maximize arbing profits and make it easier to execute a successful betting strategy.
An experienced bettor placing a value bet with the RebelBetting platform

Utilizing a sports betting platform not only saves time but also enhances your ability to make more money by leveraging the best arbitrage opportunities and value bets available. It helps both novice and experienced bettors break even faster and turn a profit consistently.

With features that cater to value bettors and those interested in guaranteed profit through arbitrage betting, these platforms are indispensable for anyone serious about making money in the betting industry.

Subscribe today

Start using the fastest, most user-friendly, value betting and sure betting service on the market. At any given time, RebelBetting finds thousands of profitable bets for you to bet on.

P.S. To get the best possible offer make sure you join for a longer period of time – up to 30% off.

RebelBetting Pro

199/ month
  • Value bets & sure bets
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RebelBetting Starter

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Yes. You can cancel your future payment at any time, while still continue using the service until the expiration date.

You are always covered by our Profit Guarantee. If you don’t make a profit the first month, you get another month for free – again and again until you profit!

Place bets and gain steady profit as a profitable bettor

How to place value bets and arbitrage bets

To successfully place value bets and arbitrage bets, you first need to sign up with a few different bookmakers. This allows you to compare the odds offered and identify the best opportunities for both betting strategies.

As stated earlier, given the complexity and time required, it’s highly recommended to use a sports betting platform. These platforms streamline the process by automatically identifying the best value and arbitrage opportunities, making your betting experience smoother and more profitable.

Choose the right bookmakers

But what bookmakers are suitable for this? Well, when choosing the right bookmakers, it’s crucial to do some background checks to ensure they are legitimate and reputable. Look for bookmakers with a solid track record in the betting industry, positive user reviews, and proper licensing. This ensures that your funds are secure and that you won’t face issues with payouts.

there are multiple bookmakers available, chose the right bookmaker

Engaging with serious, well-established bookmakers also means you’ll likely get better odds and a smoother betting experience. Taking the time to verify your bookmakers not only protects you but also enhances your overall success and enjoyment in sports betting.

Avoid bookmaker limitations

Bookmakers sometimes limit successful bettors to protect their profits. When bettors consistently win through strategies like value betting or arbitrage betting, bookmakers can see these players as a threat to their bottom line.

These strategies, especially when executed effectively, can lead to significant and frequent payouts, prompting bookmakers to impose restrictions. Limiting bet sizes or closing accounts of successful bettors helps bookmakers maintain their profit margins and manage risk. Understanding why these limitations occur is the first step in learning how to avoid them and continue your betting success.

Here are some general and quick tips on how to avoid limitations:

  • Round your stakes to not bet with an exact amount as that can look suspicious, instead of betting £137, place a £135 bet
  • Diversify your bookmakers, use multiple bookmakers and switch between them frequently
  • Consider your betting pattern, try to mimic the pattern of a regular bettor
Avoid bookmaker limitation when placing a arbitrage or a value bet


To effectively place value bets and arbitrage bets, it’s essential to understand the key differences between these two strategies. Value betting revolves around identifying bets where the bookmaker’s odds underestimate the true probability of an outcome, aiming for consistent long-term profit through skilful analysis and risk management.

In contrast, arbitrage betting, also known as sure betting, guarantees a profit by exploiting discrepancies in odds between different bookmakers, covering all possible outcomes of an event. This strategy requires meticulous monitoring and quick execution to capitalize on fleeting opportunities.

Choosing between value betting and arbitrage betting depends on your risk tolerance and investment goals, but both can significantly enhance your profitability in sports betting.

Frequently asked questions

Arbitrage betting guarantees profit by placing bets on all possible outcomes with different bookmakers offering varying odds. Value betting, on the other hand, involves identifying and betting on outcomes where the odds are higher than the true probability, aiming for long-term profit without guaranteed wins on each bet.

Positive EV (expected value) betting focuses on placing bets with a statistically positive return over time, often due to value odds. Arbitrage betting guarantees a profit by placing bets on all possible outcomes of an event across different bookmakers with differing odds.

Arbitrage betting exploits differing odds across multiple bookmakers to guarantee a profit regardless of the outcome. Matched betting uses free bets and promotions from bookmakers to secure risk-free profits. Both methods minimize risk, but arbitrage relies on odds discrepancies, while matched betting leverages promotional offers.

Antonia from RebelBetting

Author: Antonia Lowig, Content Marketing Manager

Antonia puts her passion for marketing and communication to work by crafting engaging articles. While juggling studies and a career, she enjoys the challenge of creating content that helps you learn the secrets behind profitable sports betting.