How to cancel your subscription

2023-05-09T12:00:50+02:00March 6th 2019|

To cancel your subscription/payment profile, Go to Options > User in the program and click the 'Cancel' link.  What happens when I cancel? You will still be able to use your RebelBetting service until your account expiry date. The only thing that happens when you cancel is that you won't be re-billed

Why do different matches show up in the same arb?

2023-05-09T13:17:56+02:00March 6th 2019|

Team names Bookmakers often have different names on the same team. As an example in Ice Hockey, the Russian U20 youth team could be named: Russia U20 Russia Youth Russia - The name Russia Youth could refer to their U18 team, U20 team, or even their U18 Women's team. - The name Russia could

What you must know when betting on baseball

2023-05-09T13:18:23+02:00March 6th 2019|

When placing an arb on baseball, there are a few things you must check before placing the arb. 1. Make sure the bet is either "action" or "listed" By placing a bet on the "action", you are tied into the line no matter what — even if there are any late pitching changes. If

Free, Starter and Pro version comparison

2023-06-15T12:37:58+02:00March 6th 2019|

The free sure betting trial is intended to learn sure betting (sports arbitrage) before going forward with a Starter or Pro subscription. See a full comparison between Starter and Pro here. The number of sure bets available in the free version is heavily limited, the majority of sure bets are exclusive to our paying

I forgot my username / password

2023-05-09T13:23:16+02:00March 6th 2019|

I have forgotten my password If you have forgotten your password, click this link and follow the instructions to create a new. I have forgotten my Username If you have created your account with us a long time ago you may have a Username instead of logging in with your email address. If you