Value betting on sharps – can i make money betting on sharp bookmakers?

2024-08-26T13:23:47+02:00March 14th 2019|

Is it possible to do value betting on sharp bookmakers? Yes, but if you're a beginner you might want to start with soft bookmakers until you're more experienced as it's more difficult to value bet on sharps. The upside is: that there still exist a lot of value on sharps, and you can bet large amounts.

How to tell if a betting strategy is profitable or just lucky

2024-04-08T10:00:13+02:00March 11th 2019|

The power of randomness is greater than you think If you throw a coin ten times and gets ten heads in a row, it's just an unlikely random event. If you throw a coin ten thousand times and gets 55% heads, you know the coin is unbalanced. Why? Because of statistical significance. Ten coin

Can I use RebelBetting from my country?

2024-10-30T10:28:23+01:00March 11th 2019|

You can use RebelBetting from any country. What you need to do is to make sure that the bookmakers you wish to use accept customers from your country. Here is a list of all currently supported bookmakers (more are added continuously). Most popular bookies in your country Check the most popular and