
December 2023

Bet365 results breakdown

2023-12-29T12:17:08+01:00December 29th 2023|

In this in-depth analysis, we dissect the year's Bet365 sports betting results.

2023 Look back

2024-02-28T13:02:34+01:00December 28th 2023|

Thank you for your continued support throughout 2023. As we welcome 2024, let's celebrate your remarkable achievements and profits. Cheers to that! 🎉 Customer results Our value betting customers made a combined profit of €8.1 million during the year 2023. Mind blown! This is an all-time high. Each year you are

Winter Sale 2023

2024-02-08T13:42:30+01:00December 5th 2023|

Ever wondered what Santa does for a living for the rest of the year? Well, he's of course value- and sure betting. What else? Nothing compares to this easy way of making money betting on sports. The average RebelBetting user makes €1700 - per month! Be like Santa. Join now

November 2023

Value Betting Vlog – Episode 2

2023-11-24T15:58:42+01:00November 24th 2023|

Join the adventure of Elias where he continuously updates his Value betting vlog. In this series of videos, you'll explore key strategies and discover the secrets behind successful value betting. Let's turn €500 to 5000€ using the No.1 value betting service RebelBetting! Bet with your brain - not your heart!