Asianconnect in RebelBetting
One of the best and most trusted betting brokers, Asianconnect, has now been integrated into RebelBetting! Get 2 free weeks by signing up.
One of the best and most trusted betting brokers, Asianconnect, has now been integrated into RebelBetting! Get 2 free weeks by signing up.
ValueBetting Pro launching today with the double number of value bets! With the launch of ValueBetting Pro you can now choose between two ValueBetting plans. Select the one best tailored for your needs.
It’s great to see a record number of members have discovered ValueBetting. Even better, member profits are also at a record high. Click here to view more member results (updated every hour). As you know, the average monthly profit increases with the number of bets you place. So you will hopefully be
Here’s an interview with one of our customers – Robin, from Sweden. He signed up for Value betting in May this year. During the five months he used ValueBetting he placed 3,533 value bets and made a pure profit of 52,000 SEK ( around 5,096 EUR). This is pure profit - no starting bankroll
You asked, and we listened. One of the most requested bookmakers Coolbet is now added to all RebelBetting products.